How to use this calendar
Color Codes: Regular Troop Meeting, Outings, Activities.
Please note the following: 1. Troop Event Calendar will be updated by the Webmasters 2. Required form, flyer, permission slip will be linked to the Google drive from the calendar. (Outing coordinator needs to request Google Drive link from Webmaster). 3. Make sure you are in the distribution of [email protected] Different Ways to add our Calendar: 1) You can add this Troop Calendar into your mobile devices and receive reminders and updates of troop events by click the + sign on the bottom of the calendar. 2) Please use the following address to access your calendar in any web browser 3) Please use the following address to access your calendar from other applications. You can copy and paste this into any calendar product that supports the iCal format. Participation Guideline
Outings List:General Outings Lists (included but not limited to the following)
Service Projects:
Conservation Projects: